Koels are fairly clean eaters too. Not much mess around their dish.
Mynah, I am not so sure. One visits occasionally, but by then, pigeons have visited already.
Pigeons, sorry to say, are quite messy. They eat less and scatter more! Of course, they also keep the surroundings dirty - balconies become dirty thanks to them! But at least while eating they can show more respect!
Give crow bread, roti or dosa and it will use its claws as hands, hold it neatly and expertly tear the pieces.
Koels and mynahs don't care for solid pieces of food, ignoring them largely, knowing their limitations probably.
Pigeons, on the other hand, don't know well enough to leave it alone! They peck and the bread pieces fly in different directions. What is the use of looking puzzled, pigeon dear? You can't keep walking and eating. Learn to sit in one place and use those claws effectively!
Nowadays, the state of my balcony tells me about my visitors. Till it was just the crow, I didn't have trouble with my balcony floor, which remained clean more or less. But if half my floor is covered with bread pieces and rice, I know that pigeons came a-visiting too!
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