Saturday, June 25, 2011

The In-Built System

The tiger nuzzling a tree mid-stroll

A trip to the zoo yesterday was very fulfilling. For one, we seemed to have gone at the right time - when all the animals were out in their enclosures. The two lionesses were still completing their siesta - awake but lazing. Do they do anything else, ever?

With food reaching them without any effort, I wondered what their motivation would be to do any exercise - which would have been their natural instinct in the jungle.

But as we went along to other enclosures, I was fascinated to see that the animals don't take life easy even when they have the choice. The tiger strolled up and down leisurely, ignoring the people around. Jackals trotted in their small cages. A bear constantly swayed to a music within its head, while others went about with some stretching of limbs.

It is only humans who think and decide and give up their instincts influenced by other thoughts that cloud their minds.

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