Monday, December 7, 2015

For a Rainy Day

I am just an element,
I was in my elements.
I know nothing of joy and anger, 
Nor indeed of safety and danger.

I fall from heavens without bias
Equally on the evil and pious
And on the ground when I fall
I seek new paths ignoring all.

Make way for me
Room to flow to the sea
If you place obstructions
I flow around constructions

Don't the poets admire?
My overcoming situations dire?
Oh you thought I had given up?
And abandoned you to a dry rut?

I thought you will enjoy
And not call me killjoy
I poured hard to make up
But you had no deep cup

To unite with my mother I seek
Flowing through concrete streets
To sink in her arms, is all I desire
But she is lost amidst muck and mire

I go away to distant lands
Will you ever want me back?
I am but one of the elements
Sometimes ruthless, sometimes clement. 

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